Calm and well-being
From the first session Origin, calm and deep well-being.
A pain in the shoulder that I had for 3 months disappeared and jeresens more energy and joy of living
Physical and mental calm
Following the 3 sessions "Origin" a lot of physical and mental calm in front of the problems of life
Opens the desire for true self-knowledge and more need to meditate
Better communication
While with my partner, I had communication problems for years after the 2nd session of Origin,I was able to talk to him simply,directly and he accepted everything.
Now, together we are happy.
It’s wonderful
A week already since the first Origine-Oxygne session which proved to be the gentle bath I needed before the surgery.
I did not feel any anxiety, no apprehension at the idea that a foreign body was implanted in me, and although the beginning of treatment itself is delayed, I see a general change in myself:
voice, way of being with the people I speak to.
The most surprising thing for me, despite a certain stiffness, is to feel as if an armor had been taken away from me.
It is clearly a general wellness.
I hope to have another session as soon as the scars are sufficiently advanced.
I had a migraine for 10 days from the beginning of the first session;
This headache has disappeared.
Following a false movement, a violent pain seized me at the bottom of my spine.
Three hours later the pain was even more unbearable.
I had an OXYGENE session and the result was amazing.
During the session I felt my lower left back beating like a big heart.
It was nice, the pain was getting better. By the next day it had gone.

Your Wellness Expert
Performance and Health coach
We are here to promote steady and marked improvements in your physical , mental and psychic wellbeing. We pride ourselves in offering a wide array of services, unique delivery model to help you improve and maintain your health and your youthfulness. Every mentoring is based on holistics technics. It mean that we consider your thinkings and emotions in first that make who you are.
we strive to satisfy all our clients’ needs by providing them with comprehensive and high quality services. Each individual has unique needs, which means they each require a specific combination of activities or treatments to help them find wellness or researched goal. Our client list is constantly expanding, which allows us to add more and better offerings to help our valued customers find the well-being or the solution that they strive. Better feeling, better vitality, more physical capacity, more calm, less bad energies etc..
Explore our site to learn more about we can do for you, and experience extraordinary change for the first time in your life.
Dont forget to read the section TESTIMONIES.
Office at 145 rue d'Antibes 06400 Cannes on RDV.
Possible travel
+33 676 993 997

The Li Rank Story
My name is Li Rank, I am French, I am 55 years old, I practice as a naturopath, and holistic doctor
specialized in Ayurvedic medicine, phytotherapy, traditional and quantum
medicine for 7 years in India, "Performance and health consultant"
internationally for 20 years.
► I am mainly in France, where I improve the health and performance of everyone,
with natural, herbal programs recognized through a holistic approach faithful to
empirical medicine and Asian medical doctrines.
► My freedom of study and research allows me to offer the best by relying on
traditions and discoveries that have proved their worth.
► I respect traditional and modern natural medicine, but also traditional Indian,
Buddhist and Chinese medicine which takes into consideration the circulation
of the natural energetic and electromagnetic fluids of the Spirit, the human
body of each organ and even cellular.
► Indeed, the human being is not just a meat bag that is good to be filled with
chemicals or victuals. The study of quantum sciences helps us to prove it and
opens the doors to the medicine of tomorrow.
► For almost 30 years, all those who have benefited from these programs have
greatly exceeded their life expectancy and happiness
What They’re Saying
Video Testimonials
Calm and well-being
From the first session Origin, calm and very deep well-being.
A pain in the shoulder that I had for 3 months, disappeared and I felt more energy and joy of living.
Orgine 1st session
After the first session, I experienced some nausea but, as soon as I got home, I felt an extraordinary energy and well-being.
Live the extraordinary experience of ORIGIN
I don't know how it is with others, but for me it was an experience that touched the deepest part of me.
It is difficult to find the right words to talk about it; the only ones that seem to suit me are vibration and energy.
Collaborator of Dc Rank
Doctor Amhed - New Delhi
cured of an auto immune disease in a few months
Ishan Metha
Fantastic experiment ! incredible !
Rajna M.
Saying it is good,
proving it is better !
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"Health is not valued till sickness comes"
Thomas Fuller

Emotional cleaning
A Real Success

Inside peace
Exceptional Achievement

Quantifiable result

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The best way to decrease any health trouble or to improve your performance
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